The CIS online film festival (10-14 June) was a cross-disciplinary project where secondary students created a short film or designed a marketing campaign. Natsuko, who did both, tells us how she gained an understanding of the...
Congratulations to all students who submitted entries for the “Nature is Speaking” competition during CIS’s Earth Week. Read on to find out more about this great challenge and who was involved.
Create a brand concept for a country. That was the graphic design brief given to grade 9 students. Philip Roberts, MYP design technology teacher explains why this project moves beyond design to promote deeper cultural understanding.
What goes into the creation of a movie poster? These grade 10 design students tell us how they created the promotional art for the CIS Film Festival student films.
Music was an important part of our recent grade 12 awards ceremony, both for attendees and the grade 11 musicians who performed. We talk to the band for the behind-the-scenes story.
In a contribution to the International Dot Day, TK library and visual arts classes collaborated on a multi-media artwork displayed in the foyer. Inspired by the story “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds, students learned that...