CIS Hosts Inspiring TEDxYouth Event in 2018
Lakeside’s TEDxYouth 2018 was a unique and challenging event to organise. The organising team was responsible for communicating and mentoring the speakers, setting up the projector, compiling the slides and more. We spent many days after school in the David Foster Theatre listening to speeches and everyone was extremely encouraging of one another. This experience allowed us to take up a position of responsibility and leadership within the school. I encourage all future grade 12s to join the organising team and for everyone else to step up and share their thoughts on this internationally recognised platform. Thank you to the organising team and all the speakers for creating a truly memorable experience.
[1] Fall of Fake News | Paul Du Part
[2] They Do Exist | Khushi Nichani
[3] The Future of Education | Varun Babu
[4] Our Future Education Game Plan | Minaal Khurram
[5] School Really? | Youhan Jung
[6] Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Education | Adrien Dubois
[7] Radicalisation from Social Media | Kaustav Mukherjee
[8] Desensitisation of Men | Aanya Muranjan
[9] Behavioural Vaccines for Affluenza | Riley Obach