In a world often marked by division, conflict, and discord, the Country International School (CIS) stands as a beacon of hope, unity, and compassion. With its unwavering commitment to fostering global citizenship, intercultural understanding, and peaceful...
In an era where education transcends traditional boundaries, the CIS embraces innovation and exploration through its groundbreaking Open Minds Programme.
Congratulations to our secondary student council’s new 2020-2021 executive team! Every new leadership team brings fresh ideas and development plans. We chat with our student leaders to find out what they have planned for the upcoming...
Life has always been challenging for the LGBTQA+ population of Indonesia and the ‘moral panic’ over the gay community hasn’t made it easier. Zoë Holbo, grade 11, gives her take on it.
Diwali (in northern India), or Deepavali (in southern India), is the festival of lights, colour and feasts. With these come joy and family gatherings, all in celebration of the victory of good over evil.
The first counsellor’s chat at TK has been a success with thirty parents’ participation. The focus of the session was on how to help our children thrive; more to the point, on what parents can do...