Learning 25 Jan 2018

TK's grade 1-2 bilingual students open minds journey

By CIS Communications
Photograph by CIS Communications

In a colorful and enriching journey of exploration and discovery, bilingual students from Grades 1-2 at Canadian International School have embarked on an Open Minds journey, immersing themselves in a world of inquiry, creativity, and cross-cultural learning. This innovative program, designed to nurture curiosity, critical thinking, and global awareness, has provided students with a unique opportunity to explore diverse perspectives, celebrate cultural diversity, and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.

open minds journey

One of the hallmarks of the Open Minds journey has been its emphasis on experiential learning and real-world connections. Students have had the opportunity to engage in a wide range of activities, from cooking traditional dishes and learning folk dances to conducting virtual interviews with native speakers and participating in collaborative projects with partner schools abroad. These immersive experiences have not only deepened students' understanding of different cultures but also fostered empathy, respect, and appreciation for diversity.

Moreover, the Open Minds journey has empowered TK's bilingual students to become active participants in their own learning and development. Through inquiry-based projects and student-led initiatives, students have had the opportunity to explore topics of personal interest, conduct research, and present their findings to their classmates and teachers. Whether investigating the impact of climate change on indigenous communities or exploring the history and significance of cultural festivals, students have embraced their role as knowledge seekers and agents of change.

open minds journey

As TK's bilingual students reflect on their Open Minds journey, they carry with them a wealth of knowledge, experiences, and memories that will shape their worldview and inspire them to become compassionate, globally minded citizens. Through their participation in the program, students have developed essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, which will serve them well in their academic and personal endeavors.

Looking ahead, TK remains committed to providing opportunities for bilingual students to engage in meaningful, cross-cultural learning experiences and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. By fostering a culture of curiosity, empathy, and open-mindedness, TK continues to empower students to become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens who will make a positive impact in an increasingly interconnected world.
