Sports 18 Nov 2016

TK's enthusiastic cross country team

By Sierra Laderoute, Judy Kay & Sarah Cole, Cross Country Coaches
Photograph by CIS Communications

The TK Cross Country season has just concluded with the inter-school ACSIS finals at Bedok reservoir on Thursday, 3 November.

We had a great turnout of runners for our weekly training sessions including some very enthusiastic 1st graders. Most of the team were first time cross country runners, but what they missed in experience, they made up for with enthusiasm.

We took advantage of our proximity to the East Coast and did many of our training runs there, building up to our 1.5km and 2km distances. Our runners all improved their endurance and technique in preparation for the inter-school ACSIS finals.

Although TK Cross Country did not have any podium finishers, we showcased a lot of drive, determination and heart during our races and modelled amazing team spirit. Being one of the smaller schools didn't stop our cheers or voices from being heard as we supported our team members across the finish line. I know the coaches are already looking forward to working with our cross country runners again next year! Great season CIS TK!
