Learning 20 Mar 2020

TK grade 3 bilingual students get "hands-on" with the human body

By Catherine Wang, grade 3 bilingual teacher
Photograph by Catherine

TK’s grade 3 bilingual students had great fun learning about the different systems in the human body in their Chinese unit of inquiry, “Who we are”. This hands-on learning stimulated students' interest, motivation and helped them to visualise the systems within the body and deepen their understanding.

What makes our body function as a whole? How does it work out? What controls our senses and help us to make decisions? With all these questions, our curious explorers bravely inquired into the systems of the human body with passion and excitement.

Students used a variety of materials to demonstrate their learning and understanding of the systems in the human body. They made their own skeletal and muscular system posters and imagined all kinds of activities that their skeletal men (or women) could do -  ballet dancing, hands-down gymnastics, tennis game playing, etc. On top of this creativity, they confidently shared the facts and figures about the skeletal and muscular systems in Chinese. 

Students also made a respiratory model with recycled bottles, balloons and other materials. The most exciting moment came when we carried out the experiments on the “up and down” movement of the diaphragmatic muscle, to observe the difference between inhaling and exhaling, which really demonstrated how the respiratory system works. Students were amazed at how the different respiratory organs work together to make each breath happen! 

They proudly showed the findings to their parents during the learning celebration and confidently demonstrated their learning and knowledge.
