Learning 26 Feb 2016

TK Celebrated Mother Tongue Day

By CIS Communications
Photograph by CIS Communications
by Nadine Bailey, TK Librarian -

International Mother Tongue Day is celebrated around the world on 21 February. At CIS TK we invited our multilingual teachers to read books and tell stories to students during quiet reading time on Monday, 22 February. Teachers read in Italian, Dutch, Hindi, Spanish, French, Mandarin, Cantonese and Russian to the excitement of students, who sometimes didn't know the multilingual talents of the staff.

UNESCO declared International Mother Tongue Day to be 21 February in 1999. It commemorates the killing of four students on February 21, 1952, because they campaigned to officially use their mother language, Bengali, in Bangladesh. Since 1999, Mother Tongue day has sought to raise the profile of speaking multiple languages for better social and learning outcomes across the world.

Learn more about the background of International Mother Tongue Day in our library guide: http://cis.libguides.com/Community/mothertongueday
