Learning 1 Nov 2023

The art of blowing bubbles

By Hetty Boon | Kindergarten teacher
Photograph by CIS Communications

Question: How does blowing bubbles help us to use our bodies mindfully?

In our Circle Time, the designated "helper of the day" chooses a breathing exercise for all of us to engage in.

This week, the chosen exercise was the art of blowing bubbles. Utilising the bubble-blowing technique as a tool to guide students in practicing slow, deep breathing, promoting relaxation, and assisting in managing emotions such as anger or frustration proved remarkably effective.


Following our participation in this activity, a student expressed interest in blowing actual bubbles in our Outdoor Discovery Center (ODC), driven by a desire to experience the sensation of real bubble-blowing. This inquiry sparked the question: How does the act of blowing bubbles help us to use our bodies mindfully? In response to this student-driven curiosity, we ventured outside to investigate the query.


The engagement got us to delve into bubble-blowing and practice our breathing techniques. During this enjoyable event, we encouraged the students to embrace curiosity and articulate their experiences. We engaged in counting games, such as counting the bubbles, and also worked on refining fine motor skills through activities like clapping, popping, and chasing bubbles. The students were ecstatic as they were able to discover the sensations associated with blowing bubbles.


In the classroom, we shared the photos taken by the teacher to reflect on our experience. We discussed how our bodies felt while blowing bubbles, with students sharing how they had to be mindful of their movements to avoid bumping into friends while trying to catch the bubbles. Additionally, they mentioned that taking deep breaths made them feel pretty good.

Student feedback during our reflections:

  • I felt free
  • I felt brave
  • I loved the bubbles and used my body to catch them
  • The bubbles were like butterflies, flying away in the sky
  • My body felt calm
  • I like blowing bubbles with my friends

Next, let's explore additional breathing exercises to incorporate into our physical activities to promote more mindful use of our bodies.
