3 May 2016

Student Council Executive Team Elections

By CIS Communications
Photograph by CIS Communications
by Leslie Morgan, Student Council Advisor -

OfficersStudentCouncil - 1

As the seniors began their study leave in preparation for their IB exams, it came time to say goodbye to the fantastic executive team of this year’s Student Council. A big thank you to Sarojah Sathivelu, Mrudul Tummala, Bethan Heng, and Dhruv Nandakumar for all the time and effort they put in to make improvements to CIS.

Although it was sad to see them go, it also gave students the opportunity to vote in four new officers for the 2016-2017 school year. Congratulations to Mrudul Tummala, elected as President, Joud Jadallah, Vice President, Swarali Parasnis, Secretary, and Omar Faruqi, Treasurer.

We look forward to the work they will do until June and in the upcoming academic year.
