Arts 23 May 2016

Red Cross’ Special Show on First Aid

By CIS Communications
Photograph by CIS Communications
by Andrea Strachan, Vice Principal, Lakeside Primary School -

On Wednesday, 27 April, our Kindergarten and Grade 1 students were treated to a special dramatic performance by the Singapore Red Cross (sponsored by 3M Nexcare). The show was called “Bandage Brothers” and introduced basic first aid knowledge to our youngest learners in a fun, informative and engaging way. Bandage Brothers is part of the Singapore Red Cross’ outreach programme and the project aims to educate school-age children in ways to respond during times of emergency.

The show consisted of an entertaining skit, focusing on basic first aid. This included wound care, home safety, people to call in an emergency, and the importance of having a first aid kit at home. The skit also challenged some basic first aid “do’s and don’ts” with regard to caring for common injuries.

At the end of the show, our students were invited to visit a special Singapore Red Cross booth that had been set up in the canteen. They were given a variety of items to take home, including an activity book with some basic first aid tips. This show made excellent connections to our SK Unit of Inquiry, “Organising a performance requires planning and working together” and the Grade 1 Unit of Inquiry, “People’s choices affect their health and well-being.”
