Sports 8 Mar 2016

Fantastic Start to Netball Season 3!

By CIS Communications
Photograph by CIS Communications
by Gemma Dean and Julie Hannington, Coaches of U11 Netball Team -

The U11 netball team have got off to a fantastic start for season 3. We played our first games at TTS (Tanglin Trust School) on Thursday, 25 February and won both matches convincingly: 9-1 against Chatsworth and 11-1 against TTS B.

We played our next matches at AIS on Thursday, 3 March. It was another day of victory! We won against AIS team 5 (11-3) and AIS team 4 (9-2).

Netball-U11 - 1

Kudos to all the girls. You played brilliantly! You managed to work as a strong team and came home undefeated!
