Learning 4 Mar 2016

Safe Cyber: Navigating Online Spaces with Caution and Confidence

By CIS Communications
Photograph by CIS Communications
by Joe Teft, EdTech Coach (Pre-K – Grade 3) -

In our grade 3 classes this week we have been looking at how to be safe online. We often use the image below to prompt discussion.

The strength of this image is that it clearly demonstrates the five key areas that we must be mindful of when sharing information online. By following this advice, our Grade 3s are able to respect themselves and others and stay safe online, especially when making comments on blogs and sharing information.

When we are commenting on blogs, or anywhere else online, it is important to use our heart and respect others and ourselves. We need to make sure we are posting things that everyone is comfortable with.

It is important for us to use our head and protect private information. We should never give other people our passwords, or other private information. Many of our classes have been working on making strong passwords over the last couple of weeks. We need to pick strong passwords and keep them safe so our information is protected.

When we are searching or exploring online it is very important that we listen to our gut. If something feels wrong, or worries us, we should let an adult know immediately.

Please use this image at home and continue the conversation about how to be safe online, where we go online and how to protect your information with your children. It will facilitate a meaningful conversation about the importance of being a digital citizen.
